Sometimes it feels like the world is against us gay people and we NEED to make a change or all our rights, we've fought and died for, will be swept away with the flick of a pen. America is showing that there are some that will literally wage war on women and gay rights out of belief and as we've seen they plan these things for years showing that it is premeditated war. It's time for the gay community to unite in mind, body, spirit and finances so that we can fight on a level playing ground against the onslaught.


We're sick of the endless fight and need to make a stand. In our hearts we are tired of being synonymous with the lesser so our passion to ignite change was born. To have the ability to to make real changes we need to back it up with deep pockets to fight at the same level as those who would persecute us.


Every bit helps our Tribe get stronger so if you can't donate time, effort or anything else we would ask for your financial input to help our global cause of fighting prejudice and inequality so justice can be realised for the gay community.



The Staggin Tribe project includes everything that keeps the lights on so that we can continue to help more people just like you or your family.


Staggin donates a percentage of profit to Staggin Tribe to ensure its longevity and effectiveness in the right places. This project ensures the appropriate oversight of money distribution to other projects and charities chosen by Tribe members.


The Staggin Tribe Project is like the management hub for all other projects and for expansion of Staggin Tribe as a whole so that it can stand alone as its own entity in the future. This is the central reporting area as well for all projects in terms of dollars raised and where they are used so that members see what we are all achieving.




Tribal Events take money to organise, insure and run... so as we expand we need all the help we can get so that each event is the best we can create for fellow tribe members.

We have started in Australia with our events but as we expand to other countries we will need your help to keep the awesome standard the same for every event.

Seed money also allows us to give event patrons free stuff, fireworks and more.

We're always looking to partner with companies who support the Gay community and if you would like to chat about sponsorship for one or more of our events we'd love to hear from you at info@staggin.com with the subject line EVENT SPONSORSHIP.



The original idea for Staggin was born in 2012 when the founder watched a movie created by teenagers that flipped the world around so that gay was normal and heterosexual attraction was wrong. The movie (Love Is All You Need) ended with a shocking twist and was moving enough to inspire a project that would help gay youth cope with this cruel world.


It's a fact that children get rejected by religious parents and end up on the street through no fault of their own and that is NOT OK. Many of our friends have these stories and the Staggin Tribe Gay Youth Project is designed to create a safety net for these kids through internal initiatives and collaboration with external organisations.


We want our Tribe Kids to be safe, loved and supported like in the Netflix Heartstopper series. Instead many gay kids have to deal with growing up in a world of prejudice, bullying and exclusion that is a real nightmare on the daily. Please help us, help them! 



Unfortunately the gay population hasn't been and still isn't supported or accepted by the general community, government or some of our families. This rejection of gay people from the shiny straight privileged world creates pain and a feeling of not being worthy which leads to deep set mental challenges for us to deal with daily.


Some of us get help but others feel like they are alone and the pressure of feelings lead to suicide or self destructive behaviour. Gay people are 26% more likely to take their own life than straight people due to not being accepted by the world they were born into. This figure grows larger in regional areas where the community is smaller.


The gay mental health project supports already running organisations and the generation of Gay Specific services to assist our Tribe in living happy and balanced lives. Staggin Tribe was designed to generate acceptance and belonging so the feeling of isolation can be reduced for all our community.

If this has raised issues for you please visit our Mental Health page here.



As we get older whether as a couple or as an individual we want to feel secure and cared for. Unfortunately society has prevented protection under marriage law for gay people for such a long time that we don't have children or our own families until recently. This has created a problem for us as we age because we don't have children to care for us and when we're faced with retirement, the gay friendly options are slim.

Aged care villages and centres are mainly run by religious organisations that don't cater for gay peoples' needs. Quite the opposite, they are more likely to reject applications based on their faith. This leaves gay couples and individuals become distressed when it comes to finding help as elders. In many cases it forces us back in the closet and that is a travesty!

The Staggin Aged Care Project is designed to support the opening of more Gay specific Aged Care facilities that are sensitive to our amazing elders needs. After living through discrimination and exclusion all their lives, the last thing they need is to have to live through more of the same as they enter their golden years.

At Staggin, we're passionate about creating spaces for the vulnerable to thrive whether they are young or old. Let's make aging a wonderful experience for our whole Tribe, current and future.



Sometimes we just need a little help to get back on track and many of us Gay people don't have family to fall back on. The Staggin Personal Grant Project is designed to help the Gay community when they need it the most. Grants are up to $5000 commiserate to the individual need.


There are community help centres that cater for all walks of life in the general community but sometimes we need help from our own Tribe because we have fallen on hard times through no fault of our own. One such example was when a young guy was thrown out of his apartment because the landlord was a Christian Pastor and didn't agree with him having his boyfriend over. This occurred in 2022 in USA.


We thought these fights were over but now the Supreme Court has made abortion illegal and they have publicly warned that gay rights will be next. We need to support our fellow tribe members when these things beset us. Please help us help them. 



When you get a great business idea that is gay themed, sometimes it is hard to get funding from lenders for one reason or another and many of us don't have family to approach. We all know that financial institutions are full of staff that have faith based attitudes that create stumbling blocks for approvals to go in our favour.


The Staggin Tribe Business Encouragement Project is designed to give Gay Entrepreneurs the chance to start and succeed. This project is developed around seed money, mentorship and guidance when starting out so that the opportunity playing field is levelled somewhat for our Tribe.


Most small grants are approved through the quarterly process but larger applications are assessed on an individual timeline and may include Staggin providing a larger grant that will include an offer with Staggin being a stakeholder or business partner. 


Let's face it, there isn't a gay bank and we must be cautious when approaching investors and that is why this Staggin Tribe Project was created. Help us help the gay entrepreneurs of the world.




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